
by Scott Patrick 27 September 2019

Below is a voting system that I have been tinkering with to replace FPTP in UK elections I call Primary Consensus Voting or PCV for short. I believe that this system would deal with many of the current problems of our current voting system and still be fairer that others being looked at to replace it.

by SmallScotsBlog 19 May 2019
This is a test post for my blog
by Scott Patrick 27 September 2019

Below is a voting system that I have been tinkering with to replace FPTP in UK elections I call Primary Consensus Voting or PCV for short. I believe that this system would deal with many of the current problems of our current voting system and still be fairer that others being looked at to replace it.

by SmallScotsBlog 19 May 2019
This is a test post for my blog
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